Sunday, June 7, 2009

Miniature Golf with the Gordon Girls

Piano Recital

Eowyn and Giana had a piano recital today at the old folks' home.

They did really well.  Giana was the youngest piano student there.

Monday, May 25, 2009

All Aboard the Goodtime II

The Gordons, and Nanny Carmella, are about to board the boat to take us to Tillicum Village. More photos soon.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Saturday Activities with Giana and Seneca

On Saturday, Giana and Seneca had a dance recital.

Seneca looking thrilled to be there.

Giana is a sweet girl.
Seneca watching to make sure she gets it right.
Doll-baby Sarafina
Giana prepared to dance.

Saturday Activities with Eowyn

On Saturday, 16 May, Eowyn went to a Girl Scout Event at the Tacoma Nature Center.  The TCN is a 54 acre area inside Tacoma that acts as a storm water catch.

Here is Eowyn examining a yucky worm.

I know!  I know!

On the nature trail.

Eowyn on the Bridge.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Under the Cherry Tree

Our cherry tree next to our house, and our girls next to our cherry tree.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


On the drive home from our vacation we stopped off in the Redwoods at the Lady Bird Johnson Grove.  It is a pretty easy 1 mile loop walk through a stand of ancient redwoods.  Eowyn ran the entire loop, with Giana on her heels.  Seneca fell down about 50 feet into the walk and either rode the stroller or was carried most of the rest of the way.  Sarafina walked and was carried.  I think Eowyn really enjoyed it, especially exploring the hollow trunks of many of the trees.