The 55th JAG School Grad course went for a two day class trip to Gettysburg on Thursday and Friday. I had a lot of fun, but I am a history geek. We toured the battlefield, doing Day 1 of the battle on Thursday, and Days 2 and 3 on Friday. Several of us got to do a presentation on one of the leaders in the battle, with the idea of capturing leadership lessons for our careers as military leaders. I gave a talk on General Longstreet, Lee's second in command in the Army of Northern Virginia. The lesson to be learned from Longstreet is to carry out (lawful) orders with precision and speed, even if you disagree with the orders. My favorite lesson was that of General Meade, the commander of the Army of the Potomac. He assumed command less than a week before the battle began, he wasn't the first choice for the job, he was now commanding subordinates who had turned down the job, and the fate of the Republic depended on how he and his troops performed in the battle. If you ever start a new job and start to feel sorry for yourself for all the problems you have inherited from your predecessor, think of General Meade.
Just a few more weeks of class before we leave Virginia and head for the West Coast. I am looking forward to the end of the school year, if not what comes next.
Shawn giving the Longstreet presentation
For a virtual tour of the battlefield, go to: