Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Baby crawling

Today Sarafina finally crawled, she did hit her lip and will not do it again. She was so surprised she was moving forward.

Friday, July 25, 2008

NY pics from Debbi

I did not take my good camara to NY so I had not gotten good PICS but Debbie was able to get a disk of pictures from her camara.

Eowyn and her bike

Giana loved that it was cooler today so she could wear her fav. clothes.
Not really sure what Seneca was doing. The baby loves the backpack, she does not look like it in this pic, but she does not ever cry in it. In some ways she is a lot like Eowyn at this age. Eowyn would ride for ever.
Bat boy next door. I have never seen a kid that loves dressing up like he does.

Monday, July 21, 2008

It starts with the socks

I decided many years ago to not worry about matching my socks, its all gone down hill since then. I was in the local paint store and asked if they had any cards for house painters. The nice young man told the painter guy waiting in line (painter Lee) to go get me one of his cards. I looked at the card and said "I called you this winter", I had and never got an answer to my many calls. He said no was not him. I asked how busy he was and when could he do some painting for me. He looked me up and down (the children up and down) then said I should wait till the winter when he drops his prices. I was a little confused (as you can see below I hate to paint and am not skillful), I was willing to pay good money for a painter. When I got home I realized what a charity case we all looked. The kids were dirty, I was covered in paint and in my oldest clothing.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

crazy hair

The 4th baby Gordon has some crazy hair it is very long in a few spots. She (Sarafina) is eating like crazy. I was told by a friend that not everyone has so much free time to blog, well if you look at the background of the pics you can see that I do not spend my free time cleaning.

This shows the baby moving a little she inces around slowly like a sloth. But, she can get far on but.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

summer fun

This is some pics of our trip to NY. I will add some more later when I get some time and a faster computer.