Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas AM

Go too sleep little baby.

Seneca crashed christmas eve. All's I want for christmas is to nurse.

Can we open yet?

Score, They liked their big gift a huge doll house.

Monday, December 24, 2007


Merry Christmas From The Gordons

Sarafina 2 weeks

Giana 4 years

Seneca 2 years

Eowyn 7 years

Thursday, December 20, 2007

2 Cute and 2 Weeks

Eowyn holding new baby.
Most of the Gordon girls all dressed up in their new dresses.

Today Seneca turned 2. I was hoping she would wake up with some hair. She is eating a cream puff. She had 2 birthday partys allready.

New baby at 2 weeks. It is still hard to tell what she is going (or who) to look like. I think her eyes are very blue sometimes. She still has lots of hair.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


It is that time of year for the American Tradition of visiting the mall Santa. Not sure the children really liked him all that much. He had tanker Army boots on. I did not give him the baby to hold. I am sure the uniform is full of lots of kids germs this time of year. Seneca would not take her eye off this guy, and she would not get close to him. I had to make sure that Giana did not try to kiss him, she likes to kiss people sometimes. Eowyn wanted a Horse, and Santa asked if she wanted a real one, and she said no silly, not a real one. Giana wanted a Dora house, she allread has one but there is a better one out now. Seneca would not talk to him.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Build a bear, 2nd second b-day

Seneca had a second 2nd B-day, So Nanni could give her gifts before she leaves. Our friend Debbi got her a nice cake.

We took all the girls to Build a Bear today. It was a little crazy at the mall. I had forgot about everyone x-mass shopping. I guess not everyone was as organized as me and got their shopping done weeks ago. When we left the mall a lady told me she had been looking for a parking place for 45 mintues.

New babies eyes seemed to be blue. I wish I could capture them on film. She looks good in so many colors.

Big Little and Small

Our friend Debbie holding the new baby.

It is hard to believe that Seneca was small, but she has never been this small, at least not since she was in my belly. Sarafina is now up to 8 lbs 3 oz. She is starting to get a little pudge on her legs, so she has one little fat roll.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Sarafina is derived from the Bible, where the Seraph are six winged angels who attend to God (See Isaiah Chapter 6). Seraphim are the plural of Seraph (like cherubim is plural of cherub). It means something like burning ones or bright ones in Hebrew.

Sarafina is a feminine derivative of Seraphim. She is our bright angel.

Sarafina was born on Monday Dec 3. She was 7 lbs 5 oz, and 19 1/2 inches long. My mother (Carmella) and I delivered the baby in the bathroom of the hospital. We were not able to find a nurse. Our friend Debi was not able to get any pictures, it was just too crazy. After the nurses and Doctor check the baby out, the Doctor gave me a lecture about making sure that the baby's sisters wash their hands before touching the baby. I am not worried about her sister's germs after Sarafina was delivered into a hospital toilet. I am glad that my mother was there to help catch her and she did not get injured when she fell into the water. I would have liked to have had a water birth, like I did with Giana, but not a toilet water birth. Any way, the baby is in great shape, she is starting to eat well and sleep. She had lost some weight and at one point was smaller then any of the other children. She has very little hands, feet, and a tiny butt. She could wear preemie diapers. But, her cheeks are full and round. She is a fat girl stuck in a skinny baby body. I started the infant massage yesterday and she really liked it. I will keep every one updated on the family. So far so good, the sisters just seem to be ok with the baby.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007